providing quality care is priceless!
Each of our locations is comprised of 4-5 bedroom homes: 3 shared rooms & 2 private rooms.
Our per month prices are as follows:
Shared room: $1,550 – $2,450 depending on the initial level of care assessment
Private room: $2,550 – $4,450 depending on the initial level of care assessment
Most Assisted Living places will often ask the family to provide a private caregiver should the resident not be able to stand and/or feed themselves. That fee is something the family has to shoulder in addition to the monthly rent. Fortunately, we are all-inclusive.
We charge a one time, non-refundable (based on specific conditions) move-in fee of $500 which includes non-emergency medical transportation, assessment of the resident, and all things associated with a new move-in. This move-in fee will be higher for hospice, or respite care. Please call us with any questions.
Our rates are locked in for 1 year at a time and we have a maximum increase of 5% per year afterwards. Prices above are all-inclusive**. It includes the monthly rent, the level-of-care cost, all hygiene products and meals, companionship and entertainment. We never charge extra for increased levels of care after move-in.
We only accept private pay. Some insurances may cover our costs; please check with your insurance.
Restrictions (for new resident move-in’s): We currently have 2 restrictions: 200 lbs weight limit and we currently do not accept residents who exhibit strong aggression. Please call us with any questions. We take the compatibility of our residents very seriously, and for this reason we place high importance on accepting residents who are compatible with the current residents residing here already.
As of 11.01.2019, we have limited availability. We are however, accepting applicants for the waiting list.The order of the waiting list has no priority. Once we have an availability, we will accept the resident which best matches the needs of our current residents here.
*Current rates, as of 10/2019
** Certain Restrictions apply. Ask about our sliding scale for VETERANS!